Gotwald Creation designs logos and creates stationery (paper and electronic) to match.

Let’s start with the Gotwald Creation logo.

I, Judith Gotwald, started free-lancing as a graphic designer in 1978, operating as a sole proprietor until 1997. I created a the tree logo as a cut paper design. This was pre-computer, so I actually folded paper and whipped out an Xacto, colored it with a Sharpie, and had photostats made. (The good, old days!)

For years, it was black with a gold circle around it. Two-color printing was standard for many business needs at the time.

When Gotwald Creation incorporated with five employees in 1997, I had to add Gotwald to “Creation” to register the name. (It is still just Creation to us.) By then technology was making it easier to use color, so I chose a rich green. Since I don’t really like Gotwald as part of the name, I downplayed it. You’ll notice I don’t have much time for “Inc.” either!

The image comes from a common misinterpretation of the name Gotwald. In modern German it would mean God’s Forest—“Gott” meaning “God” and “Wald” meaning “Forest.”

The name actually means God’s Rule. “Wald” is an archaic form of a verb which meant “to rule benignly” —like “wield” or “would.”

But the tree image, however incorrect, is a strong image of life, growth and creativity. I like trees—their beauty and diversity and how they cycle with the seasons. And so it has symbolized Gotwald Creation for more than 30 years.

Now, if I can only stop people from adding an “S” to “Creation”! We are about wielding the power of ideas, art, innovation, and communication. We are NOT selling widgets!

While working with the School District of Philadelphia, Gotwald Creation routinely created logos and branding for special events and programs.

Here is one created for Promise Academies. A premise for these schools was to remind parents and teachers of their promises to nurture students—to make sure students had the support they needed to achieve. At the same time, students were expected to keep their promises to do their best. The string around the “I” reminds both students and teachers of their covenant.

Gotwald Creation has created countless logos for small businesses. Here are a few.

Delightful Discoveries imports unique jewelry from around the world.

Liberty Tank
sells water storage systems. They wanted a logo which would appeal to the American market.

Innovative Pools specializes in home spas. They want customers to know they think outside the box in presenting options to homeowners.

The logo seen round the world—Keystone State Boychoir. Natty Leach, a graduate of NYU in Communications and Vice President of Gotwald Creation, was a charter member of the Keystone State Boychoir. Their logo travels with them to every continent! Yes, even Antarctica.